Liber Aleph



De Lege Motus[1]

Consider, o my Son, that Word in the Call or Key of the Thirty Aethyrs: Behold the Face of your God, the Beginning of Comfort, whose Eyes are the Brightness of the heavens, which provided you for the Government of the Earth, and her unspeakable Variety! And again: Let there be no Creature upon her or within her the same. All her Members let them differ in their Qualities, and let there be no Creature equal with another. Here also is the Voice of true Science, crying aloud: Variation is the Key of Evolution. Thereunto Art cometh the third, perceiving Beauty in the Harmony of the Diverse. Know then, o my Son, that all Laws, all Systems, all Customs, all Ideals and Standards which tend to produce Uniformity, being in direct Opposition to Nature's Will to change and to develop through Variety, are accursed. Do thou with all thy Might of Manhood strive against these Forces, for they resist Change, which is Life: and thus they are of Death.

[1] On the Law of Motion

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