Liber CDXV


The Twelth Working

[Thursday, Jan. 22, 1914 E.V.]
The Banquet restored Fra. L.T. to a comparatively normal condition. At 9.55 p.m. die Joviis the Temple was opened as usual. The sacrifice was offered, Fra. O.S.V. perinde ac cadaver, and the Temple closed at 11 p.m. Fra. O.S.V. was completely exhausted. Thus endeth the First Series of the complete Working of Jupiter.
Friday a.m.
There is certainly some result of these invocations; for matters move strangely. Five people who arranged to come to see me in Paris all failed; and both business letters (urgent) and private letters remain unanswered. I assume that this is the 'fallow' period which follows the sowing of the seed. But Hermes produced instantly a direct result. I take it that Juppiter being a slow and steady God moves not so easily but with far more power. P.M. I mentioned this matter to Fra. L.T. as regards letters, his experience is precisely similar to my own.

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