Liber CDXV


The Eighteenth Working

The Banquet of Juppiter began at lunch. Then we bade Bro. Sir B. C. Hammond[1] the Good Knight God - Speed. At the conclusion of the banquet the spirit of Mars waxed strong, and O.S.V. tare L.T. with bitter words, to which Fra. L.T., like a good brother as he is, replied with modesty, humility, courtesy, forbearance and brotherly love. (The averse Mercury also seized upon Fra. O.S.V. during the writing of this last sentence!) However the Bretheren embraced in the name of Juppiter, and opened the Temple at 10.30. A lengthy ceremony followed, the usual rite being followed by ... vatem ... virgo ... orally. The image of the Most High was thus richly adorned with due ornament. The Temple closed at 1.5 a.m. dei Mercurii, the forces being completely absorbed.

[1] Benjamin Charles Hammond

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